دکتر یونس لطفی:

1.    Lotfi Yones , Jafari,z , Age of hearing loss Diagnosis among children younger than six years old referring to rehabilitation center of welfare organization in Iran , Daneshvar. J , Feb 2004 ; 48: 39-44

2.    Lotfi Yones , Movallali G, Neonatal hearing Screening in Milad and Hedayat Hospital of Tehran , Danesvar J , Aug 2005 : 58 : 45-52.

3.    Lotfi Yones , hearing impairments in consanguineous marriage , IRJ , Sep 2004 , Volume 2 No 2 : 9-14 .

4.    Lotfi Yones , Jafari Z. The prevalence of hearing disorders among the 3-6 years old children of kindergartens in welfare organization of Tehran Province , Rehabilitation J ; 2001 , No 4 , 7-13 .

5.    Lotfi Yones , Hajaliakbar A. Study of attitudes of regular kindergarten teachers toward inclusive education of Educated hearing impaired children , Daneshvar J Aug, 2004 : No : 52 : 34-46.

6.    Yarmohammadi M.E , Lotfi Yones , The effect of Dexamethasone injection before adenotonsillectomy on the pain of after surgery, Daneshvar J. Oct 2004, No : 53 , 43-48.

7.    Ghasemi H, Lotfi Yones , Assessment of relationship between nasolaerimal duct obstruction and nasal obstructive disease , Daneshvar J. Oct 2005. 45-50.

8.    Lotfi Yones , Mehrkian S. Evaluation of the prevalence of consanguineous marriage in children with SNHL , IUMS J, 2006, No 51: 183-188

9.    Mazaheri M, Lotfi Yones. Auditory perception test for mild to profound hearing – impaired individuals ( 5-20 y ) in Bghche-Ban Deaf School in Karaj (2002) , IUMS J , 2004 : No 38 : 443-949.

10.   Kamran Heydari Tari , Lotfi Yones , Relationship between kiessling’s procedure and RN.AL, POGO 11 and Lybarger procedures in determining gain of hearing aid , Audiology , 01 , 2001 , 4 (2-1)

11.   Lotfi Yones , Zarifian , T, Language characteristics of preschool children with hearing loss in Tehran , Iran, Audiology J, 2010.

12.   Fahimeh Hajiabolhassan, Lotfi Yones , Introducing and evaluating a farsi Language version of the staggered spondaic word test in normal hearing subject , Audiology J. 2006 .

13.   Lotfi Yones , A. Moossavi , … , Assessment of sacular function in paediatric  Condidates for Cochlear implant by using vestibular evoked myogenic potentials ( VEMPs) , Audiology J, 2014 , Volume 0 , No : 0

14.  Mehrnaz Asadifar, Lotfi Yones , Comparing intensity elicited Maximum  reflex Amplitude between  Noise induced hearing loss and acoustic trauma at 1KHZ, Contralaterally and investigate relationship between Amplitude and hearing impairment , Audiology J. 2001

15.  B. Khavar ghazalani , A . Moossavi , Lotfi Yones , Validity and Reliability of a non- word repetition Test for evaluation phonological working memory span in Persian speaking Children, Audiology J.

16.  Lotfi Yones , Zahra Hosseini , … Evaluation of auditory lateralization ability and its development in 8 to 11 year old children, Audiology J , 2014

17.  Farzaneh Zmiri Abdollahi , Dr Yones Lotfi, Gender difference in TEOAEs and contralateral suppression of TEOAEs in normal hearing adults , IRJ, Volume 9 , Number 14 (10-2011 )

18.  Dr Yones Lotfi , Farzaneh Zamiri Abdollahi, Age and Gender  Effects On Auditory Brain Stem Response (ABR), IRJ , Volume 10, Number 16 (10- 2012).

19.  A. Moossavi, Z. Hosseini , Y. Lotfi , Auditory lateralization Ability in children with ( Central ) Auditory Processing Disorder ,IRJ, Volume 12 , Number 19 ( 3-2014).

20.  Afsaneh Doosti , Lotfi Yones, Distortion product otoacoustic Emission (DDOAE) as an appropriate tool in Assessment of  otoprotective Effects of antioxidants in Noise – induced hearing loss (NIHL) , Indian Journal of Otolaryngology…. , 2014 : 66 (3)

22.  Saeed Malayeri, Lotfi Yones , Brainstem response to speech and non speech stimuli in children with hearing problems ; Hearing research . J , 05/ 2014

23.  Lotfi Yones , Mehrkian . S, Quality of life improvement in hearing impaired elderly, people after wearing a hearing aid. Archives of Iranian Medicine, 08 /2004. 12 (4) : 365-70

24.  H. Talebi, A. Moossavi. Lotfi Yones , … Effect of vowel Auditory training on Concurrent speech segregation in hearing impaired children, Ann otol Rhinol largngol , 2014, June 27 .

25.  Afsaneh Doosti , Lotfi Yones , … Comparison of the effects of N-acctye –cysteine and ginseng  in prevention of Noise induced hearing loss in male Textile morkes , Noise and heath  J, July 2014 , Volume 16 , Issue 71: 223- 227.

26.   Faezeh Nedaei , M. Fakhri , M. H Harirchian , K, Firouznia , Lotfi Yones , Methodologyical considerations in conducting and olfactory FMRI Study , Behavioural , Neurology J, Volume 27 (2013) , Issue 3, P 267-276

27.  Mahboobeh Sheikhzadeh (MSc) Yones Lotfi (MD) Abdollah Mousavi (MD) Behzad Heidari (MD) Mohsen Monadi (MSc) Enayatollah Bakhshi (PhD) , Influence of supplemental vitamin D on intensity of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: A longitudinal clinical study, Caspian J Intern Med 2016; 7(2):93-98

28.  Farzaneh Zamiri Abdollahi, Tayebeh Ahmadi, Vinaya Manchaiah, and Yones Lotfi, Auditory Brainstem Response Improvements in Hyperbillirubinemic Infants, J Audiol Otol  2016;20(1):13-16

29.   Moslem Shaabani, Yones Lotfi, Seyed Morteza Karimian, Mehdi Rahgozar, Short-term galvanic vestibular stimulation promotes functional recovery and neurogenesis in unilaterally labyrinthectomized rats, Brain Research 1648 (2016) 152–162

30.  Mahboobeh Sheikhzadeh (MSc) Yones Lotfi (MD) Abdollah Mousavi (MD) Behzad Heidari (MD) ,The effect of serum vitamin D normalization in preventing recurrences of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo:  A case-control study, Caspian J Intern Med 2016; 7(3):173-177

31 . Abdollah Moossavi, Saiedeh Mehrkian ,Yones Lotfi,etal, The relation between working memory capacity and auditory lateralization in children with auditory processing disorders, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 78 (2014) 1981–1986

32 .  Younes Lotfi, Nima Rezazadeh, Abdollah Moossavi, Hojjat Allah Haghgoo , etal, Introduction of Pediatric Balance Therapy in Children with Vestibular Dysfunction: Review of Indications, Mechanisms, and Key Exercises, Iranian Rehabilitation Journal. 2016; 14(1): 5-14

33. Yones Lotfi, Abdollah Moosavi, Farzaneh Zamiri Abdollahi,and etal, Effects of an Auditory Lateralization Training in Children Suspected to Central Auditory Processing Disorder, J Audiol Otol  2016;20(2):102-108

34.  Moslem Shaabani, Yones Lotfi,and etal, Data on galvanic-evoked head movements in healthy and unilaterally labyrinthectomized rats, Data in Brief 9 (2016) 338–344

35.  Yones Lotfi, Saiede Kargar,and etal, Development, Validity and Reliability of the Persian Version of the Consonant-Vowel in White Noise Test, JRSR. 2016;3(2)30

36.  Abdollah Moossavi, Najmeh Shokoufeh,Saeideh Mehrkian, Akbar Biglarian, Younes Lotfi, Development and Validation of the Persian Version of the Acceptable Noise Level (ANL) Test in Normal Children Aged 5-8 Years, JRSR. 2016;3(2)46

37.  Yones Lotfi, Ahmad Reza Nazeri, Iranian Version of Speech, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing Scale: A Psychometric Study, Acta Medica Iranica, Vol. 54, No. 12 (2016)  

38.  Abdollah Moosavi, Ahmad Reza Nazeri, Yones Lotfi,and etal, Comparison of Auditory Evoked Potentials between Younger and Older Adults, Journal of Hearing Sciences and Otolaringology 2016 Spring;2(2): 29-36

39.  Younes Lotfi, Nasim Mardani,and etal, Vestibular function in patients with vestibular migraine,Aud Vest Res (2016);25(3):166-174.

40.  Younes Lotfi, Nima Rezazadeh, and et al, Preliminary evidence of improved cognitive performance following vestibular rehabilitation in children with combined ADHD (cADHD) and concurrent vestibular impairment, Auris Nasus Larynx xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

41.  Yones Lotfi, Samira Salim, The Persian version of words-in-noise test for young population: development and validation, Aud Vest Res (2016);25(4):194-200.

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